
How To Say Dog In French

How do you say domestic dog in French? What'due south the French word for puppy? What about barking, howling? Breed names & fun idioms? Welcome to my complete French canis familiaris guide!

There's a lot to be said virtually dogs in French. First of all, the French love their dogs, and information technology's quite common to have a dog in French republic.

So kickoff, let'south come across how we say dog in French.

ane – What's the French Word for Dog?

There are 2 French words for canis familiaris:

  1. Le chien – is French for male dog
  2. la chienne – is French for female canis familiaris

2 – Synonyms for Dog in French

The common synonym for a canis familiaris in French is "un toutou".

In French slang, nosotros also call a canis familiaris "un clebs", "united nations clébard", "un roquet", "un cabot" but all these are derogative.

3 – How do y'all Say Puppy in French?

The French discussion for puppy is "un chiot". It is always used in the masculine – le, un chiot – even for a female person puppy.

"Les chiottes" feminine plural is a slang discussion for toilet in French !!

four – French Dog Vocabulary

At present permit'due south study the French canis familiaris related vocabulary.

  1. Le chien – male dog
  2. la chienne – female dog
  3. le chiot – puppy, always masculine
  4. Une race de chien = a canis familiaris breed (I understand proverb race in English language doesn't sound correct but it is the word we utilize for breed in French)
  5. Un éleveur = a breeder
  6. La truffe = the domestic dog's nose
  7. Le museau = the nose
  8. Fifty'encolure (f) = the domestic dog's cervix
  9. Le dos = the back
  10. La queue = the tail
  11. Les pattes = the paws
  12. Le garrot = the withers
  13. Des croquettes (f) = dog dry food
  14. De la nourriture pour chien = domestic dog food
  15. Une promenade = a walk
  16. Un chien guide = a guide domestic dog
  17. Un chien d'aid = service dog

Chapter 10 of my bilingual French audiobook novel À Moi Paris L6 features a story about dogs. The dialogue is recorded at 2 levels of enunciation: traditional French and modernistic spoken French.

À Moi Paris Audiobook Method

A new arroyo to learning both traditional and mod French logically structured for English speakers.

More Details & Audio Samples

5 – 🎾 French Dog Tools & Toys

  1. Une laisse = a leash
  2. Un harnais = a harness
  3. United nations collier de chien = a dog collar
  4. Une caisse/ une cage de transport = a canis familiaris crate
  5. Une carpette = a canis familiaris rug
  6. Un panier = a dog bed
  7. Un tapis = a carpet
  8. United nations jouet = a toy
  9. United nations jouet à mâcher = chew toy
  10. Une balle = a ball

6 – French Dog Verbs

  1. Aboyer – to bark
  2. Hurler – to howl
  3. Grogner – to growl
  4. Gémir – to whine – cry
  5. Mordre – to bite
  6. Lécher – to lick

vii – French Dog Deportment

  1. United nations aboiement – a bark
  2. Un hurlement – howling
  3. United nations grognement – growl
  4. United nations gémissement – whining, crying
  5. Une morsure – a bite
  6. Une griffure – a scratch

8 – What Does a French domestic dog Say?

French dogs say "ouaf-ouaf" .

Now you know how your dog speaks in French – but exercise you lot know how to speak to him/her. Hither is how to speak to your dog in French

French dog saying ouaf-ouaf in French

nine – How to Speak to a domestic dog in French?

Here are some common French dog training commands.

  1. Assis ! = Sit!
  2. Couché ! = Down!
  3. Reste ! = Stay!
  4. Pas bouger ! = Stand up still!
  5. Au pied ! = Heel!
  6. Viens ici ! = Come hither!
  7. Debout ! = Stand up!
  8. Rapporte ! = Fetch!
  9. Saute ! = Bound!
  10. Donne ! = Allow go!
  11. Aboie ! = Speak/Bark!
  12. Dehors ! = Go outside!
  13. Rentre ! = Become inside!
  14. Pas toucher ! = Go out it!
  15. Va ! = Go Ahead!
  16. Arrête ! = Stop!
  17. Cherche ! = Search!
  18. Attaque ! = Assault!
  19. Donne la patte ! = Milkshake a hand!
  20. Attends ! = Expect!

Un grand merci to French immersion instructor Eliane for providing me with this list. Read her bilingual French story – how I trained my French dog.

10 – Dog Breed Names in French

Unfortunately, I cannot list all the dog breeds and translate them to French.

Most of the time though, the breed names are quite similar betwixt French and English language.

And then when y'all don't know, I'd say put a French emphasis to it and requite it a try!!

I'thou going to list here the names of the French dog breeds which differ from the English domestic dog breeds.

  1. Le caniche – poodle
  2. Le berger allemand – German language shepperd
  3. Le teckel – dachshund
  4. Le labrador – labrador retriever (we never phone call them just "retriever" in French)
  5. Le Golden – Golden retreiver
  6. Le bichon – maltesse
  7. Le carlin – pug
  8. Le cocker – cocker spaniel
  9. Le yorkshire – yorkshire terrier
  10. le basset – basset hound
  11. le bulldog français – French bulldog!

For all the French domestic dog breeds, I'll direct you to wikipedia!

11 – French Dog Names

Common classic French domestic dog names include Rex, Médor, Rintintin, Sultan, Fido, Mirza (f), Lassie (f)…

Check out my article about the almost famous French pet names.

12 – French Pet Naming Tradition

Did you know there is a tradition in France to name your pet? Each yr corresponds to a letter, so you are supposed to name your dog/ cat a name starting with that letter of the alphabet. For case, pets born in 2017 should have a proper noun which starts with an N.

This pet naming tradition comes from naming pure breed pets, but has extended to naming any pet.

13 – Expressions With Dog in French

Hither are 9 very mutual French idiomatic expressions near dogs.

To get in like a dog in a bowling game

Arriver comme un chien dans un jeu de quille
Significant: To turn upwardly at a very bad time (= bad timing)

To have some "dog"

Avoir du chien
Pregnant: To be attractive, to have a lot of charm. Used mainly for women

To have a dog'southward personality

Avoir united nations caractère de chien
Meaning: to take a bad mental attitude, to be sick tempered

To have a canis familiaris's pain (to do something)

Avoir un mal de chien (à faire quelque chose)
Meaning: To be in a lot of hurting OR to find doing something very difficult

To sleep like a gun's hammer ​

Dormir en chien de fusil
Meaning: To sleep in a fetal position, curled upwards in a ball​

To be in a canis familiaris's mood

Être d'une humeur de chien
Pregnant: To be in a very bad mood

In the name of a dog!

Nom d'un chien!
Pregnant: OMG

To treat someone similar a canis familiaris

Traiter quelqu'united nations comme un chien
Pregnant: To treat them badly, physically or emotionally

To look at each other like prc domestic dog statues

Se regarder en chien de faïence
Meaning: To look at each other in a coiled, aggressive manner​

14 – Beginner French Listening Practice – Dogs

Now it'southward time to use some of this vocabulary in context. My girl Leyla and I, nosotros love Minecraft… Then we both did French listening do videos featuring Minecraft!

Here is the one Leyla did about French dogs (and French cats)

Bonjour, c'est Leyla, and welcome to French Today !

Today, I'm going to tell you nigh cats and dogs in French: hither is the French transcript and the English language translation of my video: curl down to play it and learn the correct French pronunciation of all these words!

French Pets Vocabulary

Use the floating blue icon in the bottom right to hide/reveal the English translations below or just click here.

Les chiens et les chats sont des animaux de compagnie.

Dogs and cats are pets.

In the showtime function of this video, Leyla talks near cats in French – the horror!! I'll let you follow the link to my article nigh "les chats" for the transcript.

Dog in French = Le Chien, La Chienne

Et maintenant, on va voir les chiens.

And now we'll see the dogs.

On a beaucoup de noms familiers pour "un chien" : "united nations toutou, un clébard, united nations roquet, un cabot". Ils ne sont pas toujours gentils…

We have many familiar names for "a domestic dog": … They are not ever nice …

Monday chien ici s'appelle Rintintin.

My dog is chosen here Rintintin.

Une dame chien southward'appelle "une chienne".
Celle-ci s'appelle Lassie.

A female person domestic dog is called a bitch.
This one is called Lassie.

Lassie et Rintintin sont des noms de chiens traditionnels en France. Ils viennent de séries de télévision.

Lassie and Rintintin are traditional dog names in French republic. They come from television series.

Et united nations bébé chien s'appelle "united nations chiot". Oh, il est mignon !

Infant and a dog called "a puppy". Oh, he's beautiful!

Les chiens aboient souvent. En français, ils vont faire "ouaf ouaf".
Et due south'ils voient un chat, ils vont grogner, c'est certain !
S'ils sont tristes, ils vont gémir: on dit aussi qu'ils pleurent mais ce n'est pas vraiment correct.
Quand leur maître function, ils hurlent parfois.
Et bien sûr, les gentils chiens ne mordent pas !

Dogs often bark. In French, they will exercise "woof woof".
And if they run into a true cat, they will growl, that'due south for sure!
If they are sad, they will moan: we besides say they cry simply it is not really correct.
When their principal leaves, they howl sometimes.
And of course, friendly dogs don't seize with teeth!

Et vous ? Est-ce que vous avez un animal de compagnie ? Si oui, comment south'appelle-t-il ?

And you ? Do you have a pet? If then, how is it called?

Voilà, c'est tout pour aujourd'hui.

Hither you get, that's all for today.

Remember to cheque out French Today dot com for blog manufactures and your free audio book to learn French like information technology is spoken today!

You may also want to subscribe to French Today'southward channel on Youtube so you'll never miss a video!

I wanted to take a minute to thank all the viewers that pressed like, shared my video and left a comment – this means the world to me. Delight continue – I read each comment and your back up really makes my 24-hour interval.

15 – Intermediate French Do – Dogs and Wolves

What an adventure! In episode 8 of my learn French with Minecraft video series, I'm going on a boat ride hoping to find wolves to tame into dogs. But things don't get quite as planned!! LOL!!

Here is my article on how to learn French with Minecraft with all the episodes and tips on how to plow the French and English subtitles on/off, and how to all-time study French with my video series.

Est-ce que vous avez united nations animal de compagnie ? Si oui, comment s'appelle-t-il/elle ? Quand j'étais petite, ma chienne s'appelait Mirabelle. Et puis, en tant qu'adulte, j'ai eu deux chiens: Zip et Pixel (ci-dessous).

Practice y'all have/had a pet? If so, what is his/her proper name ? When I was little, my dog's name was Mirabelle. Then, every bit a grown upwards, I had two dogs: Zilch and Pixel (under).

my french dogs Zip and Pixel


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